COVID-19 Operational Guidelines
We're back in the air, but we still need to keep vigilant and aware of the on-going situation, so here is our NEW NORMAL operational guidelines.
Max 4 customers indoor.
Keep 6 feet apart from people at all times around premises.
Facilities disinfecting break-times in effect.
Facemask mandatory for indoor.
Facemask required per COVID-19 official government guidelines.
Online waiver filing mandatory.
Phone or online booking only.
CDC Self-Screening Confirmation mandatory.
Temperature checking upon person's check-in at the front desk.
Symptom checks might be conducted at any time.
Reduced airplane occupancy in effect.
Facemask mandatory on-board of flight and shuttle.
Access or service might be restricted upon risk assessment.
Follow Covid-19 Red Signs and Red Tape Markins orientations.
Recommended Burble App manifesting.
Sneeze into cloth tissue or inside the arm.
Avoid unnecessary physical contact.
Limit outdoor gatherings size.
Couchs room restricted: storage use only.
Health Self-Screening
Please be aware of your HEALTH and refrain from SERVICE or ACCESS if you say “YES” to any of the following questions:
Do you have any of the following symptoms, that are UNUSUAL for you?
Shortness of breath;
Sore throat;
Chills and body aches;
Do you have any of the following symptoms?
Feel like or have a fever;
Have a member of your household suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19.
In-Flight & Shuttle
Facemasks ON at all times.
Avoid Unnecessary Physical Contact.
Sanitizer Available On-Board.
Interior sanitizing procedures in between flights / runs.
Gear Rental
Rental items UNAVAILABLE:
No Jumpsuits
No Goggles
Rental items RESTRICTED and disinfected at each returned item:
Parachute Rigs
CA Gov Official Documents
Social Distancing Checklist
Executive Order